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 11% Commission for You, 10% Off for Your Friends  

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●  11% commission for every sale you refer
●  45-day cookie duration (Cookies are utilized to monitor customer conversions, both immediately after the first visit and in subsequent periods.)
●  30 day referral period
●  Average order value > $200
●  Exclusive coupon: up to 15%


●  We do not allow Trademark nor Trademark Plus (client name coupon) bidding.
●  We do not allow adult or gaming content into the BODEGA cooler program.

Portable Refrigerator

● Introduction: For your outdoor camping enthusiast friends, this is a must-have recommendation. Ideal for RV travel, long-distance journeys, and short-distance camping, it ensures worry-free fresh food and cool drinks while enjoying the outdoors.

● Your Rewards: For every successful referral, you can earn up to $119.99/order. Your friends will shower you with appreciation for introducing them to this indispensable power solution.

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Wine Refrigerator

● Introduction: Designed for wine enthusiasts, these appliances ensure your bottles are perfectly chilled and ready to be savored. With precise temperature control and innovative features, our wine refrigerators provide the ideal storage conditions, preserving the unique flavors and aromas of your favorite wines.

● Your Rewards: For every successful referral, you can earn up to $179.99 per order. Your friends will be immensely grateful for your introduction to this invaluable power solution, showering you with appreciation.ou with appreciation for introducing them to this indispensable power solution.

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